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Founded in 2018 as an active service for others to contract with, Djemini Studios offers a variety of different options for to capture and create some stunning, professional videos for our clients.
If you wish to contract us to produce a video for you, please send me an e-mail re: contract, to djemini.studios@gmail.com
Thank You.
Visit this page to browse the various digital products and services I offer, ranging from not only videos, but to animated gifs, video overlays, lower third animations and more!

Djemini Widgets are compact, multi-functional, custom interactions for your profile and website visitors to engage with in an effort to promote the Djemini Network and its sponsors. Widgets can include stylized text, frames and mixed multimedia, and assembled and arranged to work in a sleek, info packed presentation. You could almost consider them miniature websites that can be embedded inside a webpages, blogs, or any user interface that allows you to input and display HTML / iframe embed codes. These are internet ads on steroids.
Included here are links to the pages hosting various sizes

Project Group creators can select which page layout they want for their pages
I will eventually have widgets designed for all the different page layouts and width variations for when embedding on the Djemini Network, but if you are posting the widgets into a blog, article, comment section or other website page, they should display well enough to work with it.

I started making videos as early as 2008, long before Djemini Studios that began with a Star Wars fan series entitled "The Djedi Academy" but since then we've been busy producing and compiling an assortment of different projects, spanning several genres of film making from music videos to product videos and documentaries.
Using YouTube as a hosting service for the bulk of data that make up my videos, I mirrored many of the playlists and other projects from my YouTube channel onto an exclusive, organized archive of my work, right here on the Djemini Network. This page features that archive, plus a section for making announcements for upcoming films, and trailer releases for films currently in production.

This group is one I put together to help keep my work all in one place aside from my Djemini Archive. Here you can find promoted collections of my videos, pictures, articles, script notes and ideas and more! Join this group for exclusive, front line releases and updates from Djemini Studios.
I'll also be using this group to host a variety of promotional assets for member to use in spreading the love for Djemini Studios, in our efforts to produce great films, music video, documentaries and more.
Upon sign up to the Djemini Network, if you selected "Djemini Fan" from the drop list of Public Groups, then you've been automatically added to this group, and awarded and special spinning Djemini Profile Badge!

Use these widgets to help promote Djemini Studios and the Network of our partners!
An overview of the various products and services offered by Djemini Studios.
A list of all the production gear and lifestyle upgrades planned for the future of Djemini Studios.

visit the Djemini Network Social Timeline, featuring the top content contributors

A list of the sponsored promotions or "Spotlights" that Djemini Studios has produced for members and clients.