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                             Museum Curator:
It's no secret that there is fungus among us! The galaxy is teaming with different bacterial cultures, many of which appear to be highly evolved... even intelligent. In fact some ancient Tythonian scholars believe that the first Force Sensitives on Tython developed their connection with the Force by ingesting and experimenting with the visions that came forth from the highly psychoactive kind of mushrooms that grew in the shade on the moon of Ashla. 

Curated Displays

As more displays are arranged, they will be listed here for you to select from. Check back soon for new displays!

Jedi Holocron.png

Common Lore Objects
you'll just have to discover the rest!

Rolled Up Red Scroll copy.png
Sith Holocron.png
Jedi Holocron.png

Lost Scroll of The Whills

Storybook of The Whills

Jedi Holocron

Sith Holocron

Common Lore Objects
you'll just have to discover the rest!


Public Area

Member's Area

Under Construction

Walk to Location

Interaction Menu

Item For Sale

Market Booth

The Stronghold Banner.png
Alderaan Music | "The Throne" by Lennie Moore
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